Senin, 25 Mei 2009


ini adalah paper march, 16 2009

Jakarta is a super traffic jam city. The roads in Jakarta is mostly crowded. This situation make longer the trip time. For example, the distance from Thamrin to Otista which only 13 km can be passed in more than two hours by car and may be more than three hours in rainy time. We may spent three till five hours everyday to reach our office in Jakarta and go home if our home is in fringe area of Jakarta.

In my opinion, there are several factors cause traffic jams in Jakarta. May be the factors is more than five, but i just talk about five factors thats be the main factors. First, too fast green-traffic light. It makes only few car can run and the light will have been red again, even the queue is until one kilo metres length or about 200 cars in a line. Second, there are too many public vehicles (especially mikrolet and metromini) that could suddenly stop everywhere to wait the passengers. The stop cars will automatically block the vehicles behind them and decrease free part of the roads that can be passed. Third, the street retailers who used general roads. The fourth cause is the queue in the toll entrances. And the last factor is the usage of general tracks by Trans Jakartas.

Now, what are the solutions?

I think the solution for the first problem is the government should make longer green light time, may be until 1,5 or two minutes on the busy tracks, for example the traffic light of T-intersection between Otista III and Otista Raya roads. The government also must build fly over at some busy and jam cross roads, so the traffic jams caused by red light can be reduced.

For the second problem, I think the necessary is traffic police alert to organize public vehicles, for example in the Kampung Melayu bus station. As we know, although the traffic police had stand by in anywhere, they can’t reduce traffic jam significantly. These because they have loose their authority. The drivers don’t follow traffic rule if there are no police, and they will also break the rule if the police is easy to compromise. So, the Police also just as strict with the driver. Clean polices, whose can not be bribed, are needed.

Organizing the Street Retailers is not easy. They often use public roads, so disturb the user of the roads and make jams. Moreover, they usually exploit traffic jam to sell their products to the road users. For this problem, the government should also regulates the usage of general roads by the street retailers. The regulation must be followed by law enforcement.

On the toll entrances, stop cars that will pay the toll charge often cause traffic jams. For example, the queue in the Tebet tol entrance is until Mampang fly over. To solve this problem, I think the tolls should be free of charge on the traffic jam times so there are not queue of cars that can cause the traffic jams. This compromise will push the social function of the toll.

Trans Jakartas has used one line general tracks so they runs faster than the other vehicles. However, they cause jams on the non-busway tracks. It means, on the tracks which consist only two lines, the half line are used by Trans Jakarta. Therefore, most tracks which are passed by Trans Jakarta, such as Thamrin-Sudirman track, are very crowded.

Now is time for government to controll traffic jam points and extensive the tracks. If needed, use the condemned areas for public usages.

Furthermore, government should increase mass public vehicles such as busses and trains so the crowd of passengers can be decreased. For example in the Jabotabek trains, the crowd of passengers not only till the doors, but until the roofs. The intertrains frequences are very little. There are only two trains in fifteen minutes. If goverment increase the train, may the intertrains interval is only five minutes, and it will decrease the crowd of passengers so the traffic jams can be reduced.

Enlargement of Ciliwung River and other rivers can create new way without condemn the houssing area. It can reduce the flood because the river’s capacity is bigger. This solution is cheaper than monorail project that absorb funds until seven billions rupiah and just coverage three areas that are Sudirman, Gatot Subroto, and Kuningan.

One of my ideas, I think it’s not a problem if at seven till nine am, toll way from Cawang to Semanggi is made only one direction, that is from Cawang to Semanggi. Why? Because in the morning, the direction to Semanggi is very crowded and jam. On the contrary, the direction to Cawang is very quiet. The other way, at 5 am until 7 pm, toll way is made just to Cawang. With this methode, I think the traffic jam, at least on jalan Gatot Subroto, Mampang, and Sudirman can be reduced.

Other extreme alternative is move the headquarter from Jakarta to other city outside Java island.

More than 80% of moneys circulate inside Jakarta. So, Jakarta become crowded quickly (more than 8,7 million persons), and now defeat New York City (just 8,1 million persons). It happens because Jakarta monopoly all of the activities like politics, economy, cultures, etc.

In the USA, although there are jams, but the goverment success distribute its society, not crowded in the capital. Washington DC, the capital of USA, just the 27th crowded city in the USA with 550 thousand of persons. While New York as the center of business is the most crowded city in USA with 8,1 million persons, and Los Angeles as the center of entertainment is the second with 3,8 million persons. (@gus sulistiyo / 7a / 2)

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